Celebrating Taylor2's 1000 day on SL there was a big party at the lagoon. Many DJ have spin the place and it was mega fun!
We all wish are amazing chief a couple more 1000 days on this crazy SL world! SL would be so boring without your input T2! Thank you for your imagination and your hard work, for the jungle. YOU DAH BEST! Kevvie xxx
Few other boiz wanted to say a word...
Happy Rez day baby LOVE YA! -Zach Nichols
Happy 1000 rez day papi u look good for being 1000 ! - Jessy19 Bay - Lorenzo Darkthorn
Well done boss here to the next 1000 days - djHunter Flinders
He is so ancient but he bathes in mud like me so thats why he is always good looking - eyejac Karu
1000 days!!, A great achevment from the greatest Guy who cares about all his tribe, and nothing is a task for him, Taylor has brought so much to sl for me and alot of other people, thanks for all you have done, and a happy 1000 more, loves you - Rob Fairymeadow
Taylor babe not enough words in the world to tell you how much you mean to me. You are one of my oldest and best friends in SL. You been there for me in my darkest hours with your words of love and support and I will always cherish your friendship. HAPPY 1000th day in Second Life Babe! I LOVE YOU!!! - Kyler Belgar
Chief had obviously been up all night in RL – he took off work and was dancing naked in the jungle by the time I got there. Chief was sweaty and hot, dancing wildly, enticing all of the boys to shake and gyrate like crazy jungle animals. The air was filled with the musk of male energy and the deepest of desires – the kind of energy only the chief can draw out of a crowd of horny, crazed sexual beasts and whip into a frothy mix of wet, sexy boys. - Ryan Tuni
Feel free to send me your wishes inworld (or pics) I will update this post as I receive them! Thanks Rob for the pics!
Luv ya all jungle boys!!!